Kitchen beauty

Spring is already happening and surprises us with sun and rain. Difficult to choose what to wear and on those unexpected warm peak days you might be still covering your skin with makeup and long pants.

You are so not prepared like lots of others. Your complexion might be a bit grayish and maybe even irritated. Your legs and body did not get enough attention and are screaming for soothness and exfoliation.

What to do, what to do?

You can go to the store and buy the products needed, but you can also enter your kitchen and use mother nature’s goodness to give your skin the boost it needs.

Here are some delicious recipes to nourish your skin.

Wake up mush

-Avocado and strawberry face mask: soothing and brightening

This mask wil erase dull, tired, dry skin. This is a creamy vitamin mush.

Avocado is full of vitamin E and oils and has moisturizing and soothing benefits and can even reduce breakouts. Strawberries wil give your skin energy and brighten your complexion because of the vitamin c and salicylic acid and gentle exfoliating benefits.

How to:

Mix a half of avocado with 5 strawberries by mushing them with a fork in a bowl. Apply on clean skin avoiding eye area and leave for 25 min. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Energy shot

-cucumber-basil face mask: calming, cooling and anti aging

Cucumber has anti-inflammatory benefits and can calm the skin that’s irritated and red like by sunburn or a rash. Basil is a great cleanser because of it’s anti bacterial property and helps with a better circulation. Both can help reducing the signs of aging and fine lines because of the antioxidants.

How to:

Slice a half of cucumber without peeling (washed first) and ad a handful of basil leaves into a blender. Create a creamy consistency and apply for 20 min on cleansed skin. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Cafe blanc avec du sucre

Coffee grind, brown sugar and almond milk body scrub:

For a smoother, firmer and brighter skin.

So don’t throw away the used coffee grinds left in the filter. It still contains lots of skin improving benefits. Coffee grinds will help with circulation and can even reduce cellulite. Unsweetened almond milk is good for moisture and helps with regeneration. Brown sugar can improve even skin tone and reduce pimples.

How to:

Ad dry coffee grinds and a equal amount of brown sugar into a bowl. It’s depending on how much you think you will use for your body. Slowly add the almond milk to create a dense but spreadable mush.

Scrub the body parts you want with gentle circular movements.

Sea ya

-Sea salt olive oil body scrub

This is one of the easiest body scrubs to make.

I can recommend to use high quality sea salt like Dead Sea salt and extra virgin olive oil that contains the most antioxidant properties.

While scrubbing you will leave your skin moisturized and comfortable because of the olive oil. The sea salt scrub will not only exfoliate and cleanse of impurities and bacteria but interesting for the spiritual ones is that the salt also works like a bad energy cleanse.

So not only getting rid of dry dead skin cells but also of stored negative energy of the day.

how to:

Mixing the right amount is depending on how much you want to use and or store. Do not make it too oily but keep it compact. Additional you can add good smelly essential oils beneficial for the skin, like jasmine or lavender.

So get up of that couch and check what you have in the kitchen to create that needed me time. Pamper yourself once or twice, maybe three times a week with natural beauty enhancers and make your skin and yourself shine bright.


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