Don’t age yourself
This blog is maybe not so much about favorites tips regarding products or styling, but more about lifestyle.
Often I meet people, both women and men who will say in a conversation that they can’t do something anymore because of their age. Or even worse, they not supposed to do a certain something because of their age. And their age did change them so much.
I can say, I’m hearing a lot of bullshit! Yes not censoring my words. It is like that!
I’m not talking about disabilities that make something impossible, difficult circumstances or stress, but about what is thought or leaked into the brain by society, minorities, families, friends, let’s say the environment.
Lot’s of people care too much about what others may think, or habits took over. Lot’s of bad habits! I’m talking about the habits that are robbing you from functioning up to your fullest potential, effecting health, creativity and even knowledge.
Now you might think: I want examples. Sure, here they come!
At first a lot of people unconsciously age themselves! Faster then their own biological clock because of their thoughts and or not thinking at all.
Let’s start with blaming the age.
The most common issue is about gaining weight and skin changes. Like I’m old so my metabolism doesn’t work like in a certain past age, that’s why I’m gaining weight. And my skin is getting wrinkly, dry and saggy, all because of my age.
No! Off course age plays a role in changes. Think about hormones, collagen reduction and slower cell renewal. But if you are changing than you have to adapt your lifestyle. Adapt to what your body and mind needs. You might gain weight easier but if you really get to know your body and do some research about what you eat, maybe medicine use, you don’t have to change so much. And keep exercising! Keep moving!
So not age is to blame but effort to adapt to the age you’re having. You often can’t eat the same like you did 20 years ago because you are not the same anymore. The same goes for your skin. In a perfect environment you don’t need so many tools to protect or to get rid of toxins. Like when there is not so much pollution and the overall diet is healthy. A lot of people forget to take care of themselves with simple solutions. Like moisturizing your skin. Cleaning properly and not just a splash of water on the face. Water alone doesn’t dissolve all dirt. Taking care of the skin goes back thousands of years and is known worldwide but somehow it is not common sense for many.
And an other big issue is about certain parts of the body that hurt or not being so mobile anymore. The problem is often that people start moving less when they get older instead of keep challenging themselves. You need to do more to keep muscle strength and volume and to keep your body lean.
I often hear: (when somebody actually wants change) well I’m like 45 so I’ve had my best years, my body is getting old and I don’t necessarily have to be active or slim anymore. A good example of thinking yourself old. Who decides on what age you are old or you can let yourself go for decay?
It’s mostly in your head. If you think like that you will definitely age faster. If you stop moving, stop lifting heavy, stop dancing, stop stretching, stop taking the stairs, not resisting the escalator, stop cycling, stop hiking, stop keeping your muscle health up to date, consuming too much crap, not using the right skincare and haircare, not having enough sleep (huge weight gain and dull skin starter) Then you have created the perfect fast aging cocktail for yourself.
You can even feel and look better than you did in your younger years, but you need to work for it and stop complaining and looking for excuses.
Another mostly bad habit is leaning on the crowd. Unfortunately affecting more women. Regarding made up rules, others opinions and the majority. I often hear: I can’t wear this kind of makeup color or texture anymore because of my age or wrinkles. Or I need to dress to my age.
Uuhhh since when is there an age code for dressing or makeup use. There are so many possibilities regarding makeup to make it work. And also so many clothing choices. Those thoughts are only absorbed because of the environment people live in. Maybe you think that is not such a big deal. But it is!
People are loosing their identity. They forget not everyone looks the same while styling a certain way. It’s not a bad thing to express yourself. (With style off course.) Why not wearing glitter when being 60 when it suits you? Why not wearing that skirt when having killer legs on age 65. There are so many ways to style yourself with the things you like but people are afraid of being criticized on. Who cares! The biggest critics look like shit.
So the biggest resistance is eventually yourself.
Don’t follow the crowd, don’t say something is because of your age so often. Work on yourself, step up for who you are and it will inspire the people around you.